Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Kredit Motor Baru Murah dan Teringan angsurannya

Promo Besar - besar Bulan ini Yamaha dan Honda

www.kreditmotormurah.com = Diklik ya

Download Pricelist Honda = Diklik ya

Download Pricelist Yamaha = Diklik ya

Syarat : KTP dan KK
Data dibantu , sesulit dan serumit apapun datanya
Telp : 02191292229 dan 081385861186

- **Dijamin Terbesar Diskon Dp-nya dan Teringan Angsurannya... ( SIAP NEGO )

( Tanya aja dan Bandingkan Saya Dengan lainnya, Jangan Ragu-Ragu/ Segan )

Vixion Dp : 2.100.000

Byson Dp : 3.000.000

Jupiter mx at cw Dp: 1.600.000

Jupiter mx cw ( Kopling Tangan ) Dp : 2.100.000

Vega ZR DB Dp : 500.000

Mio Cw Dp : 600.000

Mio Standard Dp : 600.000

Mio Soul Dp : 600.000

Xeon Dp : 850.000

Jupiter Z X-15 ( Pelek Jari-jari ) Dp : 500.000

Jupiter Z X-15 Cw Dp : 750.000

Jupiter Z X-15 ( Pelek Jari-jari ) Dp : 500.000

Jupiter Z X-15 Cw Dp : 750.000

Revo spoke Dp : 300.000 - a

Revo cw Dp : 300.000 - a

Revo Matic Dp : 1.000.000 - a

Beat cw Dp. 600.000 - f

Supra x 125 Cw DP : 700.000 - f

Supra x 125 Injection Cw DP : 700.000 - f

Blade Dp : 600.000 - f

Blade Repsol Dp : 600.000 - f

Cs1 Dp : 1.200.000 - a

Vario Cw Dp : 800.000 - f

Vario Techno Cbs Dp : 1.300.000 - f

Vario Techno Non Cbs Dp : 900.000 - f

Scoopy Dp : 1.300.000 - a

New Tiger Cw Dp : 3.800.000 - a

Mega Pro Cw Dp : 2.600.000 - a

Mega Pro STD Dp : 2.400.000 - a

Masih banyak diskon lainnya ( NEGO)

* UANG MUKA/DP yang tercantum diatas , belum termasuk diskon.

Contoh :

Vega zr db

Uang Muka/Dp awal Rp 1.500.000

Diskon UM/DP Rp 1.000.000 -

Bayar dp Rp 500.000

** Diskon UANG MUKA/DP tidak dicantumkan di pricelist diatas.

** Silakan hubungi saya untuk mendapatkan diskon UANG MUKA/ DP terbesar.

** Diskon UANG MUKA/DP Siap bersaing dengan Dealer lainnya

** Setelah Telp/SMS dan ternyata diskon UANG MUKA/DP dari Dealer lain lebih besar daripada saya maka kabari segera. Diskon UANG MUKA/DP akan saya lebih Tinggikan atau paling tidak akan diSamakan .


Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

Kredit Motor Baru Termurah SeJADETABEK


# *** # KHUSUS HONDA - Syarat : KTP DAN KK aja.


Hubungin : (021) 91292229---(021) 0898 8009003---(021) 92397788 (Telp/SMS) (MISCALL KALAU 10 MENIT TIDAK ADA BALASAN DARI SAYA)
- jangan mengirim pesan ke email saya . jarang dibuka.
EMAIL / YM : boyjaya87@yahoo.co.id

ALAMAT : Ketemu langsung dengan Saya bisa datang ke Dealer JOE QUALITY MOTOR di JL. Rawa Lele Rw.04 Rw.07. Kalideres -Jakarta Barat .




= DP Bayar Hanya -- (Rp 300,000
REVO CW (Racing) = DP Bayar Hanya -- ( Rp 400,000 )
REVO AT (MATIC) = DP Bayar Hanya -- ( Rp 1,500,000 )
BLADE………………= DP Bayar Hanya – ( Rp 600,000 )
SUPRA X 125 (Standard) = DP Bayar Hanya -- Rp 500,000
SUPRA X 125 CW (Racing) = DP Bayar Hanya -- Rp 700,000
SUPRA X 125 INJECTION ..= DP Bayar Hanya-- Rp 800,000
CS 1 (NEW)…………= DP Bayar Hanya – Rp 1,950,000
BEAT SPOKE (NEW)…….. = DP Bayar Hanya – Rp 800,000
BEAT CW (NEW)…….. = DP Bayar Hanya – Rp 700,000
VARIO CW………….= DP Bayar Hanya – Rp 800,000
VARIO TECHNO………….= DP Bayar Hanya – Rp 1,350,000
SCOOPY………….= DP Bayar Hanya – Rp 1,200,000
MEGA PRO ( Standard )……= DP Bayar Hanya– Rp 2,700,000
MEGA PRO CW ( Racing )…= DP Bayar Hanya– Rp 2,950,000
TIGER CW (NEW)...= DP Bayar Hanya – Rp 4,000,000


Dp Awal - Diskon Dp = Total Dp Yang DiBayarkan.

Leasing BAF- Kredit Resmi Yamaha

(Standard) = DP -- Rp 400,000

JUPITER Z X-15(Standard ) = DP – Rp 500,000
JUPITER Z X-15 CW NEW (Racing ) = DP -- Rp 700,000
JUPITER MX CW (Racing-Kopling ).= DP -- Rp 950,000
JUPITER MX AT CW (Racing-AUTO ) = DP – Rp 900,000
MIO ( Standard ) = DP – Rp 750,000
MIO CW (Racing)…(READY STOK) = DP – Rp 900,000
MIO SOUL ( Racing)....= DP – Rp 750,000
VIXION……= DP – Rp 2,650,000
SCORPIO CW (NEW)…= DP – Rp 2,900,000
XEON (RACING)……= DP – Rp 1,550,000
Mau tahu angsuran motor dan Dp motor bisa telp/sms langsung. DISKON DP DIJAMIN PALING BESAR daAN SELURUH JADETABEK

Syarat mudah + Asuransi Kerusakan dan Kehilangan Kendaraan Bermotor.
- Ktp aja ( Untuk DP BESAR ) dan ijin dari ortu-untuk mahasiswa-mahasiswi yang kost .
- Karyawan yang ngontrak/kost atau rumah sendiri .
- Untuk wiraswasta/punya usaha apa aja--juga bisa dan dijamin acc /disetujui .
- Untuk Perusahaan/badan usaha/usaha dagang, syarat mudah dijamin tidak berbelit-belit.
bagaimana pun data /syarat yang anda berikan akan saya bantu (100%) data anda , sampai anda dapat motor.

-KTP dan Kartu Keluarga (tidak ada juga bisa asalkan ada data pendukung lainnya sebagai pengganti KK) + Data lainnya Jika Diperlukan.
-PBB dan rekening listrik (untuk yang ngontrak atau kost )
-Slipgaji atau Keterangan Penghasilan ATAU bisa juga Buku Rekening Tabungan untuk penggantinya.
-Untuk yang punya usaha atau pun tidak punya data diatas hanya punya Ktp atau Kartu Keluarga,saya bantu.. (100%)

1. Konfirmasi Alamat Rumah ke Saya.
2. Disurvey oleh Leasing/Bank yang disetujui bersama.
3. Proses data 1 hari keesokannya motor langsung saya kirim
4. DP diberikan Setelah Motor Diterima dialamat yang diinginkan.
5. STNK 10-14 hari kerja (untuk KTP Jakarta)
STNK selain KTP jakarta akan saya beritahu lebih lanjut.
STNK Motor untuk wilayah jakarta barat dikirimkan oleh saya sendiri tapi kalau kejauhan akan saya kirimkan VIA TIKI. ( 1 Hari sampai )

-** Jikalau Kawan-kawan tanya ke saya melalui Telp/SMS dan ternyata diskon DP dari Dealer lain lebih besar dan Angsuran Motor Termurah daripada saya maka kabari saya segera. Diskon Dp akan saya lebih Tinggikan atau paling tidak akan diSamakan dan akan Saya cari juga Angsuran Motor yang Lebih Murah.
Saya akan menerima Keluhan dan Keinginan Kawan-Kawan Sekalian..**

Saya tungu kabarnya segera. kerahasiaan dan profile Konsumen akan saya jaga dan tidak disebar luaskan untuk keperluan lain.terima kasih untuk anda yang mempercayakan semua hal ini kepada saya... BOY VICTOR JAYA

Tinggalkan Komentar di bawah ini untuk Pemesanan Motor atau Memberikan Kesaksian Tentang Kualitas Pelayanan Saya.Thanks


Senin, 25 Mei 2009

International Bloggers Community Award

International Bloggers Community Award diberikan oleh teman blogger Muliardy Banun

Dan sekarang Award ini akan saya berikan lagi kepada teman-teman blogger yang sering / pernah berkunjung ke Blog saya, seperti tercantum di Persons You Tagged dibawah ini :

International Blogger Community Award

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!

Questions & Your Answers:
1. The person who tagged you : Muliardy Banun
2. His/her site’s title and url : Informasi Bisnis Online blog : http://muliardybanun-online.com
3. Date when you were tagged : May 15, 2009.
4. Persons you tagged Hero business, Rinto , Boeyay , AsiaPasifik Mesothelioma, Rachmat Tubagus, Kreasi Jurnalis , Pertempuran Hati

Enjoy & be counted!

Here’s the masterlist of members:

Master List of Members:

202. Boy Victor Jaya of Boyjaya Multibisnis
203. Fauzy of Fauzy's Area
204. Owner of Storm and Jackal of Jackal's Training Journal
205. Jasmim of Macadamya
206. Cheyenne-Millie of Millie's House
207. Winda Pertiwi of My Green Tea
208. Noll's Nip of Noll's Nip

209. TWA76 of Agility Beagles
210. Pughy of Ginger Jasper
211. Bruce of Bruce's Paw
212. Eric and Flynn of Our Life by Eric and Flynn
213. The TN Bull Terrors of Kids in Dog Suits
214. Diego Dog of Diego Dog
215. Kess and Her Mama of It's a Dog's Life
216. YOU! (just follow the rules)

Petunjuk :

Posting lagi International Bloggers Commnity Award ini di Blog anda.

Jawab 4 pertanyaan diatas seperti contoh yang sudah saya isi diatas.

Jika sudah terisi, kunjungi BloGGiSTa iNFo CoRNer, tulis di comment nya bahwa anda telah posting, cantumkan link tempat posting di blog anda.

Tunggu beberapa saat / hari, nama anda dan Blog anda akan muncul di Master List Of Members, bersama ratusan member diseluruh dunia. Contoh nama Blogger teman saya di 171.Muliardy Banun, kalau Nomor Urut saya nanti setelah mengunjungi Bloggista Info Corner akan Muncul, Saat ini belum Ada.

Sukses untuk anda,


Boyjaya MultiBisnis


Selasa, 21 April 2009

Arti Sahabat Sebenarnya

Buat saya arti sahabat lebih menguat sebagai tempat curhat dalam suka dan duka. Selain itu sahabat juga mempengaruhi secara positif terhadap harapan hidup dan cita-cita untuk menjalani hidup ini.

Jikalau seseorang memiliki sahabat yang mempengaruhinya secara positif. Harapan hidup akan lebih baik sehingga kesehatan jasmani dan rohani dapat terbentuk. Untuk, membantunya didalam menjalani kehidupan yang semakin tidak menentu saat ini dibandingkan dengan mereka yang tidak memiliki sahabat.

Dalam pengertian umum sahabat artinya Kawan. Sahabat Karib juga diartikan kawan dekat. Sementara kawan sehati artinya teman dekat yang setia menemani dalam keadaan suka dan duka yang saling mendukung dan menerima semua kelebihan maupun kekurangannya.

Kalau kamu mendekapkan persahabatan dengannya
Dia segera membalas baik persahabatan itu

Kalau kamu meminta bantuan darinya
Dia segera menolongmu dengan rela

Kalau dia mendapatkan sesuatu yang tidak benar darimu
Dia segera memberitahu kamu

Kalau dia melihat kesusahan dalam diri kamu
Dia segera membantu meringankan bebanmu

Kalau kamu berselisih tujuan dengan nya
Dia segera berusaha mencari jalan terbaik untuk bersama

Kalau kamu memberikan semua kerelaan hatimu
Dia segera menyambut baik dan menghargainya

Demikian sedikit kata-kata yang bisa saya tuliskan, dalam perjalanan hidup sehari-hari. Semoga kita dapat merenungkan makna yang tersimpan untuk sahabat. Saya mempunyai seorang sahabat karib untuk tempat berbagi dalam suka dan duka sehingga membuat kami semakin erat dan saling memahami. Pahamilah arti sahabat itu didalam hatimu karena tanpa sahabat, hidup tak berarti. Terima kasih kepada sahabatku.


Rabu, 15 April 2009

Memasang TopSeratus Untuk Tingkatkan Google Page Rank Dan Alexa Rank

Launching TopSeratus , daftar 100 peringkat blog Indonesia terbaik !
TopSeratus dibuat untuk mendukung dan berkontribusi bagi perkembangan blogging Indonesia.

Pageviews adalah jumlah pengunjung yang datang ke blog member.
In adalah jumlah votes yang diberikan pengunjung blog member ke TopSeratus.
Out adalah jumlah pengunjung yang datang dari TopSeratus ke blog member.

Topseratus memiliki fasilitas untuk melihat peringkat berdasarkan ketiganya.

Peringkat disusun berdasarkan jumlah votes.
Top 50 akan mendapatkan banner berupa medali yang menunjukkan peringkat saat itu di TopSeratus.

sedangkan peringkat 51 dan seterusnya mendapatkan banner regular
Cara langsung untuk pasang TopSeratus dengan Meng Klik Gambar di bawah ini

100 Blog Indonesia Terbaik

- Kemudian cari DAFTAR
- Isi form Pendaftaran
- Lihat email anda, akan ada kiriman email dari top seratus yang berjudul "Blog anda telah mendapatkan approval di TopSeratus". Anda akan di minta untuk memasang kode html top seratus pada blog/website anda.
- Pasang banner TopSeratus tempatkan di 1/3 bagian atas halaman sehingga mudah terlihat oleh pengunjung.
- Selamat ! Sekarang Anda sudah Terdaftar di TopSeratus.

Keuntungan menjadi member TopSeratus adalah
1. Meningkatkan peringkat terutama Google page rank dan Alexa rank.
2. Meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung ke blog anda.
3. Membuat blog anda lebih dikenal dan mendatangkan pengunjung baru.
4. Memiliki statistik pribadi yang menampilkan thumbshot blog anda, Google Pagerank, Statistik Alexa, jumlah pageviews dan unique pageviews blog anda dalam format harian, mingguan dan bulanan dan masih banyak lagi.

--- Semakin tinggi peringkat suatu blog di TopSeratus, akan semakin besar kemungkinan blog tersebut mendapatkan pengunjung dari TopSeratus yang datang dari mesin pencari/search engine, bookmark maupun dari anggota sendiri.
--- Semakin tinggi peringkat suatu blog di TopSeratus, diharapkan semakin tinggi peringkat blog tersebut di mesin pencari, misalnya Google, Yahoo dll dan Alexa juga.
--- TopSeratus di reset setiap awal bulan.

FORUM TopSeratus
TopSeratus meluncurkan forum, yang diharapkan dapat menjadi sarana diskusi dan bertukar pengalaman antar blogger Indonesia.
Makanya segera daftarkan Blog Anda...


Sabtu, 11 April 2009

SEO- Content Relevancy and Link Popularity Explained

How does a web page get ranked #1 on Google? There is no doubt that the methods of the 1990s no longer work - and most definitely, not since Google went public in 2004.

Back then, the content of your website's pages was the major factor. Today, however, having links on the Internet that point back to your website is another important criteria, which will require that you involve yourself in the Internet community.

The Internet has also created an environment in which institutional control of information has been lost. As a result, control of information has trickled down to the individual level. Imagine the transition from several thousand companies once controlling messages through traditional media to today's expansive communication via several million individuals free to distribute their own information on the Internet. What you find is that the logic process has also been spread over millions of people; and for this reason, it is harder to explain why certain things happen on the Internet.

Because the Internet has opened the communications to the individual, the individuals are now exposed to the concepts of business. Not everyone has a business degree and most only have a superficial understanding. As such, the definition of marketing and how advertising plays a role in this process is not well understood at the individual level. This has caused improper usage of the various acronyms used on the Internet today.

Marketing and Advertising Defined
Before we can understand the various acronyms being used within the Internet industry, it is important to understand the definitions of marketing vs. advertising.

'Marketing' is the process or technique of promotion, selling and distributing a product or service. * 'Advertising' is to make your product or service publicly known; an announcement to call public attention by emphasizing qualities to arouse a desire to purchase.

You can see from the definitions that advertising is part of marketing. Marketing includes everything about raising the awareness of your business from branding, messaging, public relations, advertising, events, customer relationships and much more. Advertising is a component of marketing and should never be the only method used to promote your business.

Defining SEM, SEA, SEO and LP

Using what we have learned about the definition of marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) would include all processes related to promoting all of your website's pages with the search engines. Included in this process would be Search Engine Advertising (SEA), which would be the sponsored search advertising - or, what some also refer to as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. These are the sponsored links along the top, right side and bottom of search results. Also, included in SEM would be SEO and your outreach program on the Internet away from your website that increases the number of links to your website, also known as Link Popularity (LP).

What is SEO?

It is important to understand how to tell the search engines that a particular page of your website is an authority in a particular topic. Keywords and phrases are utilized to communicate this expert status to search engines. You will notice that we are talking about pages of your website. Each page of your website can be optimized for a topic based on its visible content. We are no longer optimizing blindly the entire website for the same information, but using each page to help drive traffic to our website. By all means, this does mean that for a particular search result, visitors may enter your website from somewhere else other than the home page!

Each search engine has a different algorithm in deciding what the person searching is seeking and how relevant the information on the individual pages of your website relates to the search. They take into account the title of the page, the meta description, and the visible text. Some search engines do look at your meta keywords, but not nearly as much as they used to in the past. What you are presenting with visible text is what the visitor will see; and therefore, the content has more value than the Meta keywords. This also prevents spammers and fraudulent websites from hiding their true identity.

Why is SEO Important?

The volume of information on the Internet is staggering. The Internet seems larger than our real world. Search engines have an enormous task to filter all of this information to provide something meaningful to the searcher in a matter of seconds. Compared to the old days of using search tools like Archie and Veronica that required hours and sometimes days finding information on the Internet, the results from the current search engines are significantly improved.

The competition of web pages (whether they are direct competitors or not) as well as your business competitors are all seeking to also be ranked within the first three pages of search results. It is important that you seek out the right resources to help you optimize your pages and give you a fighting chance.

What to do before you SEO

Research, research, research! There are many tools out there that provide you information about what people actually type into the search engine, the number of searches performed over a 30 day period, as well as how many competing web pages exist for that search term. These are the three major parts to the research you are seeking. The search engines can provide you the first two with their tools, while the third item may require you to perform a search in quotes to get a real understanding of the total competing web pages. There are third party tools that can also provide the complete information, however, always keep in mind that the search volume is not an absolute from any source including the search engines. Use the information as a guideline to give you direction. Regardless of the tool(s) you use for your research, they will all provide you options for other key phrases to consider based on your initial entry. This will be helpful to consider other alternatives you may not have thought about.

In this process you will learn two important items.

* First you will learn that the rest of the world may not necessarily search for your website's products and services the same way you expect them to. For example, you may be ranked number one for a particular term, but if no one is searching for that term, what difference does it make if you're number one or number 100? Go with what people are searching.

* Secondly, you will want to seek out a balance between the number of searches and the number of competing web pages. The search term that has several million competing web pages will take you longer to rank where as those that are only in the thousands will be easier. Take a look at the search volume to see what would happen if you had 1% of those visitors purchase? Based on what you are selling you may not need to be ranked for terms that have thousands of searches. For your business, those with lower search volumes and less competition may suffice as a foundation.

Consider your research as a starting point, not an end point. You can always change your optimization later; and always keep in mind that you can optimize the pages within your website to cover a variety of possibilities from your research.

What you do to SEO

Search Engine Optimization does require some technical understanding of the HTML code in order to add the necessary meta tags, insure you have the right image alt descriptions, the right link title descriptions and lastly, to appropriately write the visible text on the pages. The elements of this process include the following:


Be sure that your HTML code adheres to the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) standards. Many will ask the question why and the answer is simple. If you adhere to the standards, you can't go wrong. If you don't adhere to them, there is a higher chance that it will have a negative effect for browsers and search engines.

HTML structure

Websites with outdated Flash animations, frame designs, and broken links are certainly not going to allow search engines to identify the content of your web pages. Use current coding methods, not table based websites. Can you easily navigate your website? If not, then neither can the search engines; and therefore they cannot identify how to rank your web pages.

Website Flow

Does your website allow a visitor to reach your business objective easily from the point of entry? Make sure you have a call to action on all pages of your website.

Use of all meta-data

Meta data goes beyond Title, Keywords and Descriptions. There are a variety of meta tags that inform search engines about the content of your web page. Use all of them. Don't forget to have unique Title, Keywords and Descriptions for each of your web pages. Duplicate content is not something the search engines appreciate.

Visible Content

Be sure to have well-written, grammatically correct and spell-checked content to your web pages. If your website becomes a resource for its unique content you are more likely to receive traffic-seeking information about your business.

Your Outreach Program: Link Building

Consider link building as a process that will increase the critical mass of information about your business. The information or content you post (vs. advertise) on the Internet will have a shelf life of years. Therefore, the links to your website will also accumulate over time and also have a shelf life of years.

The more links you have pointing back to your website the more popular your website is considered by the search engines. Based on the content that is posted your website will be considered an authority on that topic.

The process of posting content on the Internet will not only generate traffic from the search engines, but also generate traffic to your website from the websites where the content is posted. Oddly enough you will get traffic from these websites before receiving traffic from the search engines.

Content you will post on the Internet will come in five primary forms: Articles, News Releases, Videos, Photos and Social Media Marketing. The process of content marketing is quite involved and is also labor intensive when done correctly. If you come across anything that may sound like a "link farm", you will want to run because they will not give you any long term results and are not considered responsible link building.

Finally the link building process comes in three formats: direct links to your website, cross linking content on the Internet, and deep linking to specific pages within your website. Understanding this process becomes a strategy in order for your prospects to find you and have all paths lead back to your website.


Is this an overnight process? Absolutely not! It is an ongoing process that acts not only as a public relations tool, but also as a long term advertising tool. The process of maintaining your website and the content marketing process of link building is something you do daily, weekly and monthly. Part of this process and Internet marketing strategy also requires the initial research process and the measurement of the results and the effects of your efforts.


Selasa, 07 April 2009


Jaket Kulit yang saya gunakan hampir 1 tahun. Ketertarikan saya memakai Jaket Kulit karena terlihat berkelas dan Trendy apalagi kalau pakai Motor Baru Seukuran Motor Gede (MOGE) tapi ngak harus sih. Jaket Kulit adalah Suatu barang yang bisa membuat kita bergaya dengan keren dan biasanya harganya sangat mahal. Cocok untuk dipakai saat berkendaraan motor dipadukan dengan Sarung Tangan Kulit dan Tentunya dengan Motor Baru (Bisa KREDIT MOTOR BARU dengan saya (promosi dulu ya !))

Tips ini perlu diketahui agar keawetan jaket kulit tetap bertahan lama hingga bertahun-tahun.
Dibawah ini mungkin akan sangat berguna untuk yang mempunyai jaket kulit/yang ingin memiliki Jaket Kulit.

1 . Usahakan jaket kulit anda tidak kena air atau hujan. Jaket Kulit paling Sensitif dengan air, lagipula jaket kulit bukan Mantel hujan. Biasanya karena tidak mudah tembus , banyak orang-orang yang menyepelekannya.

2 . Jangan memakai aerosol spary pada jaket kulit. Pori-pori jaket kulit bisa mudah retak seperti tanah musim kemarau.

3 . Hilangkan dengan segera setiap kotoran yang menempel pada jaket kulit anda. Kotoran bisa mudah mengendap sehingga menimbulkan jamur kalau kelamaan.

4 . Jangan dicuci pake ditergen dan sabun. Kebanyakan pemakai Jaket kulit tidak pernah mencuci dengan ditergen atau sabun atau sama sekali ngak pernah dicuci. Katanya sih, sayang takut rusak.

5 . Jangan mengeringkan jaket kulit di tempat yang langsung terkena sinar matahari, tapi keringkan jaket kulit anda dengan aliran udara natural / diangin-anginkan saja.

Demikian tips dari saya, jangan lupa tinggalkan komentarnya.


Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Using Long Tail Keywords to Your Advantage

A keyword is a simple word or phrase that is typed into the search engine by a user looking for information. For example if a searcher was looking for information on family photography tips, they might use some of the following common search terms.

"family photography photography tips taking photos"

If you used a keyword research tool like Wordtracker, you would discover that these phrases are very popular search terms. In fact, if you built a web page that focused on any of the keywords above, you would have a very difficult time ranking in the top 10 on Google's search results page?

Why? Because the competition for general keywords can be fierce. Keyword competition is defined using the term Supply. If a keyword phrase as a high supply, it means that there are many web pages out there that are using this keyword. The higher the supply, the more the competition.

Long Tail Keywords are simply the longer and more targeted phrases that people type into the search engines. In our photography keyword example above, we looked at a few very general competitive keywords. Here are some long tail keywords relating to photography.

"night time photography tips eliminate blinking from photos removing red eye from photos"

Do you see the difference? Long tail keywords are much more targeted to a specific sub topic. The nice thing about discovering long tail keywords in your particular niche is that they typically have a much lower level of competition, so it is easier to rank in the top ten in the search engine results.

Another advantage is that long tail keywords bring in much more targeted traffic. While the keyword 'family photography' may be a very competitive keyword for photography sites, the traffic brought in by such a keyword will be pretty broad.

By comparison, someone finding your site through the long tail keyword 'eliminate blinking from photos' is looking for specific information. If you can provide that information, you stand a much better chance of building trust and confidence with this visitor and converting them to a newsletter signup, registration or purchase.

Someone that gets to your site via a long tail keyword is typically ready to pull the trigger on some type of purchase or action. We say that they are "late" in their buying cycle. In addition, you'll find it easier to achieve a top ten ranking at the search engines for long tail keywords.

By sprinkling them into your page copy, you are more likely to pull in traffic that converts at a higher rate. The downside is that long tail phrases will typically not generate the high traffic numbers of more general keywords. But remember, the more general keywords are much more competitive.

If you use an analytics package like Google Analytics, you'll actually be able to see the types of long tail keywords that people typed in to get to your site. While long tail keywords can make up 50% or more of your traffic, many of them will only be one-time traffic generators.

So then, is it possible to research and target long tail keywords when writing your web pages? The answer is 'yes' and 'no.'

First off, if you write good original content that is genuinely helpful to your target market, you'll automatically weave in long tail keywords without even trying. As your page content grows, visitors will get to your site through more and more of these long tail phrases. In other words, the tail will grow longer and longer. In fact, you'll find visitors getting to your site using search phrases that you would have never thought of yourself. This is the value of focusing each of your content pages on a specific topic that provides valuable information to a narrow target audience.

Read Long Tail Keywords for additional tips on using the long tail to rank higher in the search engines and generate targeted traffic.

All hail the long tail!

About the Author: Corte Swearingen is the creator of the Integral Marketing System and CEO of SmallBiz Marketing Tips. He holds a degree in physics and mathematics from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.


The Necessity Of Search Engine Optimisation

The majority of businesses now understand that search engine optimisation or SEO is becoming an important part of any online business strategy. Today it is only the most backward thinking companies that have dismissed the benefits of search engine optimisation, or have not even heard of it.

The emphasis of search engine optimisation is to increase web traffic to a website through the search medium. The process involves changing various elements of the website so that it is more visible to search engines and easier to operate for users.

Currently the market is saturated with so called SEO specialists who are simply jumping on a band wagon that started rolling over ten years ago. Hence it is imperative to have a detailed research process before entering into a contract with any SEO company. Ideally a company that can prove its worth, prove the success of it methods and its time in the industry should be found.

It is advisable, before employing a SEO company to gain an understanding of how the search engine process is conducted. Fortunately the internet has thousands of websites dedicated to the subject of website optimisation. While the worth of these websites is somewhat questionable, they do at least give an idea of the sorts of strategies the SEO company should be presenting.

As with the procurement of nearly any service it is important to gain a number of quotes from different companies. All firms will charge different rates for their services and hence looking at the quotes and assessing the value of the service is essential.

Remember that the cheapest company should not always be chosen. Like most things in life a cheaper price does not necessarily mean a good service, in some cases it may be worth paying that little bit extra for a better level of service.

One of the best strategies to help choose an SEO company is to simply type a related term into a search engine. For instance by taking terms such as 'search engine optimisation' and entering this into Google it is possible to see numerous sites that offer SEO service. Understandably, by using one of the sites in the top five listings you are given a form of guarantee that they know what they are doing, after all, if a company cannot rank highly for terms related to their own industry it is doubtful they will be able to help other companies.

It is also worth avoiding companies that promise page one, or even position one rankings. Nobody outside of the Google corporation can guarantee such positions, it is doubtful even Google employees can. Search engine algorithms are extremely complex and it takes real experts to work within these algorithms to improve the rankings of a site. Any company that has the short sightedness to guarantee position one listings is probably not worth using.

It is hoped that this article has given businesses and business owners an idea of how search engine optimisation can help their company to secure more online business and trade. In terms of searching for a company the search engine method is worthwhile but also beneficial can be personal recommendations.

If another company gives you information on a company that helped them improve their online profile and profits it is likely that this reference is trustworthy and could result in further profits for your own company. With the right SEO company increased online revenue and trade is a real and attainable possibility.

About the Author: Internet marketing expert Thomas Pretty studies the key considerations needed when choosing a search engine optimisation company with a proven track record of results.


Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Increase Landing Page Conversion By Testing These 5 Elements

Are you satisfied with the conversion rate on your landing page?

I hope the answer to that question - no matter what your conversion rate - is an emphatic "No!" Because no matter what your conversion rate is, there's always the chance that it can be better.

You'll never know how much money you're leaving on the table until you start measuring, optimizing and testing. If you're a newbie to website testing, there are two different schools of thought as to how you should get started.

The first says you should start with an "unimportant" page on your site.

Use that page as your "practice field" to avoid making any grave mistakes while you're learning the ins and outs of testing. I, on the other hand, subscribe to the second school of thought: start with a high traffic web page so you can see results more quickly. If there's one thing the internet era has done to all of us, it's turned us into a society of "immediate gratification seekers". We want results now. We don't want to wait for the answer.

The danger in starting your website testing with an "unimportant page" is that it will take too long to see any real results. You'll grow impatient, you'll get bored, and chances are you'll abandon the concept of testing before you've had a chance to appreciate its amazing merits.

So let's start with your highest traffic page (if you're scared you'll make a mess, start with the second or third highest traffic page - but don't worry. As long as you back up ahead of time, anything you "mess up" can be undone!)

The page components you want to test are:

1. Your Headline

Without a doubt, your headline is the most important component of your web page. It's the first thing your visitor will see when landing on your site. It will either compel him to continue reading, or convince him he's at the wrong page.

And the best part is, it's super easy to test. You don't need to get your graphic artist involved, or even your copywriter. You can easily craft a few benefits-laden headlines to test on your own. I suggest writing at least four different headlines and designing an A/B test to verify the effectiveness of each.

2. Your Opening Paragraph

Just as in offline direct mail marketing, the opening paragraph of your web page sales letter must pull the reader into your copy and make him want to read more.

Because many small business owners have a harder time writing opening paragraphs than headlines, you might want to get your copywriter involved in this one. But again, a simple A/B test can be used to measure the effectiveness of each paragraph.

3. Your Call to Action

There are dozens of different ways to spell out to your reader exactly what you want him to do. And depending on your product, your niche, your audience, etc, some will definitely be more effective than others.

This is one component of your web page that you don't want to leave to chance. Rather than simply copying what other marketers are doing, choose several different calls to action and test them each against each other.

4. Your Product Benefits

Your sales copy will be most effective when you list the most important benefit first. But Wait!! Your prospect might have a different opinion of which is the most important benefit.

Try varying the order of your benefit statements to test which positioning converts at the highest rate. This could also provide some valuable insight into rewriting your entire sales letter for higher conversions - or writing the sales letter for your next product.

5. Your Graphics and Visual Elements

They say a picture is worth a thousand words - but what is the wrong picture worth? Some colors, graphics and photographs can actually hurt your conversion rate. Some can provide a so-so conversion rate. While others can have your conversion rate soaring through the roof.

The only way you'll know for sure that you're using the right visual elements is to test. A multivariate test will allow you to test several different elements simultaneously to ensure you have the right combination.

Once these initial tests are done, it will be time to move on to more tests. Never rest on your laurels and never assume that your conversion rate is as good as it could possibly be. There will always be room for improvement - and room for more testing.

About the Author: Karen Scharf is an Indianapolis marketing consultant who works with small business owners and entrepreneurs. She offers several whitepapers, free reports and checklists, including her free Can-Spam checklist and free email pre-flight checklist to ensure your emails get delivered, get opened and get read. Download your copies at http://www.ModernImage.com.